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Sharing your campaign with a QR code
Niklas Cuthbert Mehlsen avatar
Written by Niklas Cuthbert Mehlsen
Updated over 3 months ago

A QR code can be used to promote your campaign online and offline. The QR code will direct players to the live URL of your campaign.

To generate a QR code, go to the Publishing tab. You will be sent to the QR management tab, where you can click 'add new QR'.

Once you have named the QR code and clicked 'save', the QR code becomes visible.

You can download the QR code both as a PNG file and as a SVG file. The SVG (vector) format is handy when you need high-quality graphics that can easily resize to different scales - e.g. if you are printing your QR codes on posters or similar.

Add URL parameters to the QR code

You can add URL parameters to your QR code if you want to track, for example, where you have used a particular QR code or where the participants are coming from.

Per default, the platform adds utm_source and utm_campaign as parameters to the campaign URL to provide statistical insights. You can delete, modify, and add URL parameters to the campaign link if needed.

Below is an example of URL parameters added to the QR campaign link.


Parameter statistics

The parameter statistics are available in the UTM section on the statistics tab. Only selected parameters are included in the statistics overview, including utm_source, utm_medium, and utm_campaign.

Create QR codes with different URL parameters

URL parameters can be a good tool for gaining insights into the performance of different marketing channels, campaigns, or locations.

You can generate several QR codes in the platform, each equipped with distinct URL parameters.

In the below example, two QR codes have been created; one for each location. This can help track, in which store the marketing strategies were most effective.

Generate several QR codes at a time

With our QR import feature, you can quickly and easily create up to 1,000 unique QR codes for each campaign using a preformatted Excel or CSV file. This feature saves you time by eliminating the need to manually create individual QR codes.

How it works

  1. Click the 'import' button

  2. Upload your pre-formatted .xls, .xlsx or .csv file. Your file should include the following columns:

    • QR Code Name: A unique name for each QR code.

    • URL Parameters (optional): Any URL parameters you'd like to assign to each QR code.

    You can download a template for the file in the 'choose file' step.
    ​Note: URL parameters are not required. If you don't include them, the platform will automatically use the generic parameters for your campaign (e.g., utm_source=qr&utm_campaign=campaign_name).

  3. Once the file is uploaded, the platform will automatically generate all of your QR codes based on the data provided.

  • URL Parameters:

    • If you leave the URL parameters column blank in your file and do not map the column, the platform will use the default campaign URL parameters (e.g., utm_source=qr&utm_campaign=campaign_name).

    • If you leave the URL parameters blank in your file but map the column, the URL parameters in the platform will also be left blank.

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