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Transferring data from more than one registration form to an ESP/CRM system
Transferring data from more than one registration form to an ESP/CRM system

In this article, we present some considerations to make when transferring data from more than one registration form to ESP/CRM systems

Asta Dybdal avatar
Written by Asta Dybdal
Updated over a week ago

Sometimes, it can make sense to include several registration forms in the flow. This could for example be relevant in cases where you initially want to collect primary contact details like name, e-mail address, or phone number, and later in the flow, you want to collect additional data like age, gender, or preferences.

If you have several registration forms in one campaign and want to transfer the data to an ESP or CRM system, there are some things you need to consider.

If your campaign flow contains more than one registration form, and fields from more than one registration form are mapped in the same ESP/CRM integration, data from the registration forms will only be transferred, if both registration forms are filled out.

This means, that if you have a campaign with two registration forms, and the player decides to only fill out the first form, no data will be transferred.

How to prevent data loss

To avoid losing valuable data, you need to transfer data from each registration via two separate integrations.

The data can be sent to the same list, but you need to separate the transfer of data from the two forms to ensure that data transfer from a primary registration form is not dependent on the other form(s) being filled out.

In the below example, two Mailchimp integrations have been set up on the same campaign. They transfer data to the same list in Mailchimp, however, each integration transfers data from a specific registration form in the flow.

Integration 1: Contact information

Only data from the 1st registration form in the flow (name + e-mail) is mapped up. This ensures that data from the 1st registration gets transferred even if the 2nd registration form is not filled.

Integration 2: Age & birthdate

In Integration 2, only data from the 2nd registration form in the flow is mapped up.

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