1. Design guide
In our design guide you will find all our recommendations for sizing of graphical assets used in the Memory game.
2. Memory FAQ
In the FAQ article you can discover the commonly asked questions for the Memory game.
3. Tutorial: How to Build
Watch the below tutorial on how to build a Memory game in 15 minutes:
4. Prize considerations
Want to use prizes in your game? Our article provides an overview of the different prize types and can help you choose the right kind of prize for your game.
5. Other relevant articles
Check out these other relevant articles that can help you setting up your first campaign:
If you have enabled a time challenge on the game you should consider styling the game indicators for a more personalized game experience!
You can use replacement tags to customize the results page or in a winner email.
The article on image recommendations can help you find the most optimal dimensions for graphics in general.
Want to know more? Check out our landing page for more information and guidance on how to get started with Playable.