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Video Quiz FAQ

Discover the Video Quiz game type's commonly asked questions

Nicolaj Støy Laursen avatar
Written by Nicolaj Støy Laursen
Updated over 2 months ago

1. I’ve included a timestamp for the last question, however, I would like players to be able to finish the video before ending the game. Is this possible?

It is indeed! You simply toggle the following setting under your general game settings:

2. What is the optimal width and height for the video?

We have a design guide to answer that question right here.

3. The video in the game is not playing - what could be wrong?

If the video is live, please check that you have inserted the full link to the video. The platform does not accept Youtube short-links. Here is an example of a short-link: Here is an example of the full link for the same video:

4. I have uploaded several videos, but all questions are displayed on the same video. How can I add questions to different videos?

You would have to go to videos → Edit on video 2 → Questions → Question 3 → Insert timestamp:

Under videos, you control where the questions should appear. Question 1 is marked in red and question 2 is marked in green in the example below:

5. How can I show a player if their answer was right or wrong?

You can choose for the answer to become green or red depending on whether it was correct or not. This requires you to integrate the game plugin “Video quiz features” from integrations:

When configured you can activate the following setting:

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