1. What are the recommended dimensions for the bottle and the wheel?
In our design guide from our help center: here you will find all of our recommendations for sizing of graphical assets.
2. I’ve changed the amount of fields from 8 to 10, but my wheel seems a bit off? When landing in between fields I'm still given a specific field. How come?
Your wheel should always be designed, so there is a vertical and horizontal line creating a cross like so:
This means that a wheel with eg. 6 or 10 fields will be a bit off, whereas a wheel with 4 or 8 fields will be aligned correctly. There is a possibility of downloading a template for this in our design guide as well: here.
3. What does it mean when a field is “Locked” and grayed out?
A field becomes locked for two reasons: Either you manually lock the field:
or the field has been connected to a bulk prize. When creating a bulk prize you can select which prize should be won when landing on a specific field. Connecting a bulk prize with a field will therefore lock the field:
You can lock a prize to multiple fields:
4. How do I rename the start button that says “Spin the Bottle”?
When creating a Spin the Bottle game from scratch, the start button per default says “Spin the Bottle!”. You can rename the button under “Custom labels” in your game settings:
5. How can I show a player how many spins they have left?
If participants have more than one spin available it is possible to indicate the amount of spins a player has left via“Indicators” in your game settings: