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Slot Machine FAQ

Discover the Slot Machine game type's commonly asked questions

Nicolaj Støy Laursen avatar
Written by Nicolaj Støy Laursen
Updated over 2 months ago

1. I’m not sure that my graphics are optimal for the slot machine. Can you guide me in the direction of a recommended size?

Sure! We have a design guide right here.

2. How many spins do you recommend?

That is totally up to you. This could also be dependant on your registration limit. Do you have a registration limit of 1 each day? Then you should give them more than 1 spin. Do you have a registration limit of 3 times per day? That’s already 3 spins in itself, so it all comes down to how many chances you want to give the user to win the game.

3. Can I add a sound when spinning the slot machine?

Yes! On the Game Settings page under the Advanced tab you can add a sound effect for when your participants pull the lever on the slotmachine.

4. How do I connect the slots with specific prizes?

When creating a bulk prize you can select a winning image:

​This can be changed after saving the prize if needed.

When using a regular prize, the slot machine will randomly choose a winning image from the ones you have uploaded, if a player wins the game.

5. Why are some of my slots placed outside of the slot machine?

This is probably because they haven’t been aligned with the slot machine graphic. You do this under Game Settings → Layout → Click to place fields on the Slot machine:

Make sure to place the fields within the frame and fitted area of the slots.

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