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Shoot it FAQ

Discover the Shoot it game type's commonly asked questions

Nicolaj Støy Laursen avatar
Written by Nicolaj Støy Laursen
Updated over 11 months ago

1. What are the recommendations for the graphical assets in the Shoot it game?

In our design guide here you will find all of our recommendations for sizing of graphical assets.

2. Can I show different results pages depending on the amount of points a player achieves?

Yes, you can do that with metric data visibility conditions. We have an article for that right here.

3. How do you control the speed of both the shooter and the dropping images?

You can control all of these through your general game settings:

You can also do this for the individual dropping element:

4. What is the difference between normal points and health points?

Health points indicate how many “lives” the dropping element has. If a dropping element has 10 health points, then it will take 10 shots to be eliminated. Regular points are the points you collect, when the dropping element is eliminated.

5. Can you differentiate between the speed of the shooter and the dropping images from desktop to mobile?

Yes, you can. By disabling “Use these settings for mobile” you can set the speed separately for each device:

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