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Shell FAQ

Discover the Shell game type's commonly asked questions

Nicolaj Støy Laursen avatar
Written by Nicolaj Støy Laursen
Updated over 11 months ago

1. The ball is very small compared to my shell. Do you have any recommendations to make these more aligned?

We’ve got exactly what you are looking for. Here is an article with a design guide: here.

2. Can I show different winner pages depending on how many rounds you used in order to complete the game?

You can, yes! This should be done through metric data visibility conditions. Here is an example of how to set it up for those who completed the game after only one round: Winner page → Advanced → Scroll down → Visibility conditions → Metric data:

We have an article for how to set up metric data visibility conditions right here.

3. What does it mean to have “infinite” rounds?

It means that the user can continue playing until they win the game. The only thing stopping them from continuing is when they win.

4. I’m not sure which level I should go for. What is the difference between easy and very hard?

The difference comes down to speed. The harder the level is, the faster the speed. We recommend that you test this by saving the different levels and try it out yourself through the demo-URL.

5. Can I inform the participants how many rounds they used to complete the game on the winner/loser page?

That is indeed possible, yes! You can do this through a replacement tag displayed at the bottom of your general game settings:

Type in the replacement tag on your last page to show this for the individual player. Here is an example:

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