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Place The Item FAQ

Discover the Place The Item game type's commonly asked questions

Nicolaj Støy Laursen avatar
Written by Nicolaj Støy Laursen
Updated over a year ago

1. What are the recommended sizing for graphical assets in a Place the Item game?

You can find a design guide for the Place the Item game in our help center right here. This can serve as a guide for your graphical assets.

2. What is the most optimal “Section height” and how does it affect the game?

The section height in the general game settings is connected to the height of your game flow. It’s important to set a height that allows for both the background and the images in the game to be visible. To exemplify the importance of setting the right section height, here is an example of a section height of 500 px:

..compared to a section height of 100 px:

3. Is it possible to hide images in the game after they have been placed on one of the backgrounds?

It is indeed! You should tick off the following setting under general game settings:

Please note that this will make the image completely disappear for the user after placing it on the background.

4. What is the maximum number of images you can let participants place in the game?

You can use a maximum of 50 images in your Place the Item game. You can see that by scrolling down to the limit under “Number of images”:

5. The default layout setting adds a white box around the image to be placed. Is it possible to change this color?

As default, the color around the images is white. It can however be changed via custom CSS coding.

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