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Guess The Picture FAQ

Discover the Guess The Picture game type's commonly asked questions

Nicolaj Støy Laursen avatar
Written by Nicolaj Støy Laursen
Updated over 2 months ago

1. What are the recommended dimensions for images in a Guess the Picture game?

We have a design guide right here where you can find the recommended sizing for graphical assets

2. How do I change the layout of the answer options?

You can edit the way your answers are displayed under Game settings → General → Answer layout as shown in the example underneath. Here you can for example change the text and background color of the answer options. We also have an article for general answer layout right here.

3. I have set a time challenge of 60 seconds in the game, but halfway through the game you are redirected to the loser page. What is the reason for this?

This could have something to do with the number of seconds it takes for the images to be fully displayed. If you have more than 6 images and it takes 10 seconds per image to fill, the 6 images can take up the total amount of seconds available for a player to complete the game. You must make sure that your time challenge matches the number of questions and seconds it takes for images to fill.

4. What does randomizing images mean?

When randomizing the images, you randomize the order in which they appear in the game. In other words, participants will be presented with the same images, but they may appear in a different order.

5. When images have filled out, how can I make sure that participants have time to answer before being redirected to the next image?

You can set an extra timer with a delay between the images. This is also set under your general game settings:

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