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Iframe: important to know

Lists of details important to keep in mind when using the iframe

Andreas Grosen avatar
Written by Andreas Grosen
Updated over 2 weeks ago

If you iframe your game, there are a few extra things to be aware of when building your campaign.

Make sure that:

Link targets for other URLs

Many games end with a Call to Action button, which might redirect users to an external source (e.g. a page of your website) or to another game.

If you are linking to another Playable game that should open in the same iframe, you will choose "same window" as the button's target. This will replace one game with another.

Do not link to another page of your website with the target "same window" or you will load your website in an iframe on your website 🀯.

If you are linking to another page on your website, "top window" will open the page in the same browser tab, and "new window" will open the page in a new tab.

Campaign inactivity overlay

By default, your campaign will be covered with an overlay after 1 hour of inactivity. This can be more apparent on games that are iframed compared to games that are accessed via their own URL.

You can increase the amount of time before the campaign session expires under the Advanced tab. Read how here: Campaign inactivity.

Custom Social Share URL

When using the social share addon with a campaign published in an iframe, you will link to the webpage that contains the iframe, rather than to the campaign URL.

You can do this by enabling a custom URL in the social share addon. Read more here: social share addon.

Iframe queue

Every campaign has a unique iframe script. If you want to show a different game, you will have to insert a new script β€” unless you use iframe queue.

Iframe queue lets you update the game without changing the iframe script. Instead, you will insert the iframe queue script and define in the platform which game it should show.

Find this under Account Settings > Global Administration > Iframe Queue.

Game flow section height type

When working with iframes you have to set the height to fluid to ensure minimal flaws on your website. Choosing window height will not work with an iframe.

Find this setting under Sections > Game flow section > Basic > Type > Fluid height.

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