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Registration Form Field Validation
Registration Form Field Validation

Options for restricting the kind of input accepted in a registration form field

Niklas Cuthbert Mehlsen avatar
Written by Niklas Cuthbert Mehlsen
Updated over a year ago

When you edit a specific form field, you can add "extended validation". This lets you require that information be entered in a specific format before the registration data can be submitted.

In the example below, there is an input field where players should enter a receipt number. By adding a "minimum character" validation, you can require that the player enters a number that is at least 10 digits long.

When you add validation, you can add a validation message, which can help your players understand why their input was rejected and what the correct format should be. Read more here.

Types of validation

Only numbers

will only accept numerals 0 – 9

Only letters

will only accept letters (from almost all alphabets), space, and dash (-)

Max characters

limits the number of characters

Min characters

requires a minimum number of characters

Own regular expression

lets you write a regex to control the input (this is an advanced setting)

Valid phone

requires an 8-digit number (for other phone number formats, see example below)

Valid email

requires a valid email address format (allows letters, numbers, and specific characters, checks that there is an @ symbol and a .)

Remove special characters

will reject anything with the following characters: ЈҐў$Ђ¤©®§™°є+#µ<>%([)]??ї!?-'",.|`^«»«»~&:{;}

JavaScript event

lets you add a custom function (this is an advanced setting)


choose from .txt, .xlsx, .xls, .docx, .doc, .pdf, .psd, .svg, .eps, .png, .jpg, .jpeg, .gif, .ico, .mp4, .mov

Min. age

requires an age that is greater than or equal to the entered number

Min. date

disables dates in the calendar before the given date

Max. date

disables dates in the calendar after the given date

You can use more than one type of validation. For example, you can require a number that is exactly 12 digits long by selecting:

  • only numbers

  • max characters = 12

  • min characters = 12

But note that you can only write one validation message, so the message should explain the correct format clearly.

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