Skip Logic is an advanced feature that allows you to change what questions a player will see based on their answer to a previous question.
For example, in a personality test, you may want to ask a follow-up question that is only relevant to some players and not others.
In the illustration below, if a player answers "No" to the question "Do you eat meat?" then they will skip the questions about how much and what kind of meat.
Note: When you use skip logic, you still have one list of questions in sequential order (1, 2, 3, 4...). You can jump past one or more questions in the list, but it you cannot create a fork where a player follows a separate path based on an answer.
How to activate skip logic
Step 1:
Go Game Settings > Advanced features > and enable skip logic
Step 2:
Go under Game Settings > General > and activate skip logic
Define skip logic for different answers
After you activate skip logic, you can go under each question and define what logic should apply based on what answer is selected.
Skip logic (default) means that selecting this answer will send the player to the next question. It will not skip anything.
Go to question 4 means that selecting this answer will skip questions 2 and 3.
Instead of choosing another question, you can also select:
Go to the winner flow
Go to the loser flow
These options will skip past all of the remaining questions and send the player to the next flow page as either a winner or a loser. (In a personality test, usually only the winner flow is used.)
Take personality points into consideration
When you use skip logic, some participants will see different questions from others. This can have an impact on the final outcome of the game and which personality they end up with.
No matter if you are using "personality within a point interval" or "personality with most points" as your game logic, you should keep an eye on the different possible flows through the questions to ensure that players can still end up with the right number of points to get a result that matches their answers.
This is also where testing your campaign becomes especially important.
Test your skip logic
You cannot see from the question overview what the skip logic is.
To be sure that the user flow works as intended, you should test your game in the frontend. Try answering the questions differently to see if you are sent to the correct follow-up questions and end up with the correct result at the end of the game.