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Lucky Number Design Guide

Recommended sizing for graphical assets

Mads Lyse Nielsen avatar
Written by Mads Lyse Nielsen
Updated over 11 months ago

The graphical recommendations included in this guide are game-specific. You can find general recommendations for backgrounds, logos, and other images here.

Game appearance

Lucky Number does not require any graphics under Game Settings.

The game's appearance is simply an input field where a participant enters their number (no letters or characters allowed, just numbers).

Lucky Number is a pure instant win game, meaning you will only win the game if there is a prize available. You have two options for controlling the winner logic with your prizes:

  1. A specific number or numbers are "lucky"

    1. Link a specific number to a regular prize

  2. Players can win but it has nothing to do with which number they enter

    1. Regular prizes or bulk prizes are distributed at random (% or time based)

To validate a number without using prizes, you should use the code validation integration, which is available on all game types. Read more here: Code validation

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