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Terms and Conditions Pop-over
Terms and Conditions Pop-over

How to set up your T&Cs and link them to your registration form

Nicolaj Støy Laursen avatar
Written by Nicolaj Støy Laursen
Updated over a week ago

The terms and conditions popover is where you can write the rules of your campaign, which players will typically have to accept before participating.

Read this article to learn about:

Writing and Editing Terms & Conditions

To edit the content of your terms and conditions, you need to open the popover tab in the frontend navigator.

Then, open the terms and conditions and start writing your text.

The content of your T&Cs

We can't tell you exactly what to write in your terms and conditions — this is something you will want to get your legal department's approval for before you publish your campaign.

But there are some basic guidelines you should consider. You should make sure that your terms are written clearly and that they explain how you will be selecting winners, who is eligible to win, and how and when winners will be notified.

Here is a list you can use for inspiration when you are drafting your terms and conditions text:

  • Campaign information

    • The campaign period

    • Age, demographic, or any other condition that limit a user’s ability to participate in the competition (e.g. employees are not eligible)

  • Data

    • What data is being collected and how it will be used

  • Prizes

    • What requirements a player must fulfil in order to win a prize

    • Where, when, and how the winners will be announced

    • Allowances/exceptions due to typos or spelling errors

    • If using Instant Win, you can write that a prize will not officially be won until the player has received confirmation via email or SMS

    • If using a control code, you can write that a you will require winners to provide their control code before they can collect their prize

  • Cheating

    • How you define cheating

    • What you will do if you have evidence that a player attempted to cheat

Linking to Terms and Conditions from the registration form

In all default templates, the registration form comes with a checkbox where players can accept the terms and conditions of the game.

This checkbox is linked to the Terms & Conditions popover using the "CTA" setting in the registration form. Here you can link to a popover or a URL, or you can remove the CTA link from the field ("none").

Link to popover

The default template links the checkbox to the terms & conditions popover. When players click on the text of the checkbox, the popover will open.

You can edit which popover will open under the field's CTA settings.

Link to URL

If you would rather link to terms and conditions you have on your own website, you can set the checkbox CTA to URL instead and enter the URL where your terms can be found.

You should set this link to open in a new window, or else it will navigate players away from the game.

Removing the CTA link

It is also possible to add a hyperlink directly to the text of your terms and conditions checkbox, rather than using the CTA link.

You might add hyperlinks to the text if you want to link to two different external URLs from the same checkbox. If you do this, remember to set the CTA to "none" so the links don't conflict.

However, this might not be the best user experience. It might make more sense to have two checkboxes, each with their own CTA.

Sending checkbox values through integrations

When a player accepts the terms & conditions via a checkbox, this data is saved to their registration. You can send this information through an integration to your ESP or CRM.

When you send data from a checkbox through an integration, you are sending binary data. You can use one of our default values, or you can define your own custom values, depending on how your integration is set up.

You can change the value of the checkbox by editing the form field:

The default values are:

Checked value

Unchecked value







search terms: check box, checkbox, tick box, tickbox, t&c, betingelser

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