The graphical recommendations included in this guide are game-specific. You can find general recommendations for backgrounds, logos, and other images here.
All graphics in this game are optional
Dimensions are listed in pixels, width x height
Maximum file size: 700kb
File types: .png, .jpeg, .jpg, .gif, .svg
Background image
Number: 1
Recommended size: 500 x 500
If no background image is uploaded, the game board will be a solid color.
A grid can be displayed on top of the background image to show where the snake should go.
The background image will scale to fit the board size, which you define under Game Settings.
Background image for mobile
Number: 1
Recommended size: 300 x 300
The same image can be used on desktop and mobile. It will downscale to fit the screen width.
Snake image
You can upload separate graphics for the body and the head of the snake. Alternatively, you can select solid colors.
Number: 1-2
Recommended size: 50 x 50
Maximum size: 200 x 200
The snake image will scale to fit the grid size. If no image is uploaded, the snake will be a solid color.
Apple image
Number: 1
Recommended size: 50 x 50
Maximum size: 200 x 200
The apple image will scale to fit the grid size. If no image is uploaded, the apple will be a solid color.