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Sliding Puzzle Design Guide

Recommended sizing for graphical assets

Mads Lyse Nielsen avatar
Written by Mads Lyse Nielsen
Updated over 10 months ago

The graphical recommendations included in this guide are game-specific. You can find general recommendations for backgrounds, logos, and other images here.

Required assets are marked with a star*

Dimensions are listed in pixels, width x height.

Maximum file size: 700kb

File types: .png, .jpeg, .jpg, .svg

Puzzle image*

  • Number: 1

  • Recommended size: 400 x 400 (will scale to fit the screen width on mobile)

  • Maximum size: 700 x 700

  • Upload the complete image, which will be divided into the number of pieces you set under game settings (between 4 and 64 pieces)

  • So that there is room to move the pieces around, one piece will be removed by the platform. The missing piece will always come from the bottom-right corner of the picture. The picture will show as complete once all the other pieces are in the correct location.

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