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Memory Design Guide

Recommended sizing for graphical assets

Mads Lyse Nielsen avatar
Written by Mads Lyse Nielsen
Updated over a year ago

The graphical recommendations included in this guide are game-specific. You can find general recommendations for backgrounds, logos, and other images here.

Required assets are marked with a star*

Dimensions are listed in pixels, width x height.

Maximum file size: 700kb

File types: .png, .jpeg, .jpg, .gif, .svg

Front of card*

  • Number: 1

  • Recommended size: 150 x 150

  • Maximum size: 200 x 200

  • Aspect ratio: 1:1 (square)

  • This is the side of the card that is shown when the game first loads. The same image will be used for all the cards.

Back of card*

  • Number: 3–15

  • Recommended size: 150 x 150

  • Maximum size: 200 x 200

  • Aspect ratio: 1:1 (square)

  • This is the side of the card that is hidden when the game first loads. Upload only one version of each card; the platform will create its "pair".

  • You can decide how many pairs there should be (up to 15 pairs can be displayed at a time with up to 10 extra pairs).

Additional options

Match 2 different cards

  • It's possible to match 2 different images instead of 2 of the same image. In this case, upload twice as many "back of card" images.

  • Make sure there is only one correct pair for each card. You can for example reduce the chance of misinterpretation by using the same background color for both cards.

Use one image for all cover tiles

  • Instead of using the same "front of card" image for every card, you can upload one image that is divided into pieces.

  • Maximum size: 1500 x 1500

  • The design of the image will depend on how many cards you have and how they are arranged e.g. 4x3 cards = 4:3 aspect ratio.

  • You will use separate images on desktop and mobile if your cards are arranged differently (2x3 = portrait, 3x2 = landscape).

You can find more information in our Memory Game FAQ.

Search terms: vendespil, matching, memory card, flip
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